Fairpoint Phone Issues

From the desk of Florence Webb   If you live in The parts of Landaff served by the telephone junction box near Town Hall or the one near Schofield’s house on Pearl Lake Road, you likely already know that telephones have been out in those areas since sometime on Saturday, December 23.  This marked the second…

Just a Thank You

It is always nice to recognize and be recognized. Diana Reynolds would like to thank whoever it was that kindly mowed the river bank behind the Blue School making access more tick free. “It is awesome”.

Round The World Balloon Lost In Landaff

By Ed Lodge A Mylar balloon rig with a solar powered tracker flew completely around the globe in ten days last month, only to crash-land somewhere in Landaff.  Mike Hojnowski, a Cornell IT guy, launched a high altitude balloon from the Cornell campus on Ithaca, NY on October 19th. It was tracked by ham operators…

Notice from Landaff School Board

The Landaff School Board would like to take a moment to thank all of you who attended and participated in the Public Hearing held on Tuesday evening, November 15th. The school board appreciates your input and comments. We’d also like to thank the Grange and their members, who so graciously let us impose on their…


NOVEMBER 8, 2016 With 88.3% of the registered voters in Landaff, NH voting There were 273 registered voters at the beginning of the day. Eighteen new voters were registered during the day. The Moderator would like to thank all who worked to make the voting in Landaff attainable, successful, and professional.  Supervisors of the Checklist…