Harry Chandler

Landaff Native Harry Chandler’s Rise To Fame And Fortune Story And Photos By Richard B. Sagar On a visit to Hollywood, while touring the beautifully landscaped Hollywood Forever Cemetery, I found an interesting connection to Landaff history.  Here, among the many memorials to the rich and notable, is the final resting place of Landaff native…

Landaff Blue School 1957

First row from left:  Billy Hill, ??, ??, Wayne Mardin Second row from left:  Virginia Young (on crutches), Marion Young, Thurita Towle, Lewis Mardin, Richard Leavitt, Roger Leavitt, Florence Rynkiewich, Rodney Lyndes Third row from left:  Eloise Young, Sandra Poor, Sandra Towle, Nancy Davis, Wendell Young, Jeanie Robinson, Lillian Kidder, Angie Patten, Jerry Titus, Judy Robinson, Marie Mardin…

Blue School Students, 1958

First row:  Bonor, David Poor, Alice Murray, Susan Erb, Ernie Lyndes, Doug Erb, Randy McGuire, David Phillips Second row:  Gerald Bonor, John Towle, Gwen Stebbins, Rocky McGuire,  Sheila Stebbins, Thurita Towle, Billy Hill, Rodney Lyndes, Richard Leavitt Third row:  Eloise Young, Virginia Young, Sandi Poor, Lewis Mardin, Judy Robinson, Roger Leavitt, Wayne Mardin (hidden), Jerry Titus, Mrs Bedard, Sandra…