Blue School News

From the desk of Molly Culver, Teaching Principal Landaff Blue School;

September 28-October 2, 2020

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What We Are Learning

  • Kindergarten Letter of the Week is S
  • They have been doing different S activities and reviewing letter H. Kindergarten has been introduced to the nursery rhyme “Hickory Dickory Dock”. In math, Kindergarten practiced numbers 0-9 and played active counting games. They also compared and contrasted data representing their birthday months.
  • First Graders have been using the number line to tell and solve number stories. They have been learning how to compare and order numbers. They also used tally marks to represent data.
  • Second Grade reinforced place-value by skip counting on calculators. They also used addition and subtraction to write equivalent names for numbers. They were also introduced to the quarter.
  • All grades have been working on different writing assignments including their “hopes and dreams” for the school year.
  • White Mountain Science, Inc (WMSI) came to the Blue School on Wednesday for a Computer Science lesson.

Unified Arts

The students learned about Healthy choices and The Choose Love Program will focus on Courage, in Health and Guidance.

They reviewed colors and greetings in French class.

In Library, the students are reading the Ladybug book collection. This is a collection of books written by NH authors.

In Art, they made Fall Leaf Lines.

On Friday, we got much needed rain, so the students played BINGO in PE.

Molly Culver – 603.838.6416
“Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning”- Robert John Meehan

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